Bombe Tao

Follow Your Lead Rider

#GRC2024 / #giantridingclubIN

Lead Rider Overview

Lead Rider Name:

Bombe Tao

Group Name:

Itanagar Cycling Club

Upcoming Ride:

All Rides Done

Total Rides:



We're thrilled to be part of the Nationwide Cycling Revolutions in India, and we extend our sincere gratitude to GRC for championing this incredible initiative. The cycling community is poised for tremendous growth and development through this movement. As dedicated members of the Itanagar Cycling Club, we are eagerly looking forward to actively engaging in all the scheduled rides. We're particularly excited about the prospects of participating in the Giant Riding Club. Being part of this esteemed club aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering cycling culture and growth within our community. We're excited and ready to contribute our energy and passion to this fantastic riding experience.

Ride Details

Ride Date Distance (KM) No. of Rides Elevation Gain(M) Total Participants
20-Feb-24 30.7 1 758 20
25-Feb-24 7.63 1 197 20
8-Mar-24 20.03 1 741 21
17-Mar-24 41.9 1 748 24
Total 100.26 4 2444 85